Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The First Post

So my very oldest friend (years I've know her, not age) started a blog about her son and titled it "So I Don't Forget"  I found it so moving that not only did I decide to create a blog about my kids, but I stole her title too.  Love you Bethany!!!  So I know this first blog will probably be boring to most.  However, I'm not writing this blog for anyone but myself and my kids.  So if you read it and don't like it or are bored by the content....oh well!  I'll start with my youngest and work my way up.

Ella Jean - 6-7-05
You are 5 years old.
You love chocolate milk and stinky baby.
You are STONG WILLED and opinionated, and secretly I love it!
You are the most beautiful thing that I have ever laid eyes on.
You are in Kindergarten.
You love the color pink.
You suck your left thumb.
You always want to wear your hair down, but I never let you because I'm afraid of lice.
Your front 2 teeth are a bridge because you knocked them out when you were 2 years old.
You love The Little Mermaid and Spongebob.
You used to watch Max and Ruby all the time, but I think you're getting too old for them now and it makes me sad.
You scream when you don't get your way.
Most people tell me that I need to discipline you more, but I don't care what most people think.
You are NOT modest at all, you love being naked.
You get super mad when I wash stinky baby because you say she doesn't have your smell anymore.
You love to play outside and get dirty and you cry every time I tell you that it's time to take a shower.
You love oatmeal with syrup in it.
You only drink lactose free milk.
You don't really like meat at all.
You drive me completely and totally insane most days, but I'm still pretty sure that I was waiting for you my whole life.

Blake Christopher Levi - 12-16-03
You are 6 years old.
You love chocolate milk and toast with butter on it.
You are my snuggle bug.
You pick Mommy over Daddy most days...and I love it!
You are so kind and sweet and polite.
You have a double swirly on your head so we have to keep your hair short and you hate getting it cut.
You play baseball and you are REALLY good.
You are in the 1st grade and you make friends so easily.
You have been riding your bike without training wheels for about a year now and it's so cute.
You love Spongebob and River Monsters.
You make goofy faces everytime I try to take a picture.
You love going to Arigato.
You like to color.
You love playing outside.
You say this at least once everyday..."Mommy, I love you more than (fill in the blank)"
You still suck your thumb at bedtime.
You are scared everything, but I think it's a phase.
You loved Spiderman when you were younger.
You like the colors blue and red.
You love watching the Rays play baseball.
You are a great swimmer and you call your mask a "snerkel"
You tell me quite frequently that you're going to snuggle with me til you're 25, which might be creepy :)

Spencer Matthew - 8-4-98
You are 12 years old.
You love the Rays.
You are in 7th grade.
You are SUPER SUPER smart, sometimes too smart for your own good.
You are very sensitive. 
You are a picky eater.
When you were little you would come with me to get my nails done and sit on my lap the whole time.
You have never gotten in trouble in school ever.
You were the most well behaved baby I've ever seen.
You have chubby cheeks and I love them.
You always say you're not tired and then you fall asleep in about 10 seconds.
You are slightly OCD.
You like your room super clean and organized.
You love soda, but we rarely let you have it.
You have braces right now and you get canker sores all the time.
I don't tell you enough how proud I am of you. 
You will always have a special place in my heart because it was me and you against the world when you were first born.
You love your Grandma and Grandpa SO much.
You have the most annoying laugh on the planet, and I love it!
You hate riding the bus, but have yet to give me a reason.
You love Jesus and you're not afraid to stand up for your faith.
You are so sweet and finally starting to get along with Blake better.
You want to play baseball so we're gonna let you play next season once your school schedule slows down.
You are taking high school classes in 7th grade and getting A's in them.
You love your iTouch.
Sometimes I question if you know how much I love you because you seem so grown up, but I hope you know that I would lay down my life for you, I love you so much.

Michael Bruce - 2-10-93
You are 17 years old.
You are a senior in high school this year.
You just got your lerner's permit.
You work at Wendys.
You play an amazing guitar.
You are a fantastic song writer.
You like drama, probably a little too much.
You are very sensitive, which will be a very good quality the older you get.
You don't talk about your feelings as much as I think you should, but then again, you're 17.
You want to make movies when you grow up.
You love the show Chuck.
You like to do normal teenage stuff like sleep, eat, be lazy :)
You have been trying to be more patient with Ella, but she still yells at you most of the time.
You like skinny jeans and Toms.
You have really grown up this past couple of years and we couldn't be prouder of you.
You drive us absolutely insane most of the time, but I'm pretty sure that's what you're supossed to do at 17.
I love you like you were my own and I hope you know it!

I know that first post was pretty lengthy, but from now on they should be a little shorter hopefully.  I love my kids so much and I question everyday if I'm a good enough mother.  I want them to grow up and be strong adults, able to speak their mind and stand their ground.  I want more for them then I've ever wanted for me.  I want them to feel safe all the time.  I want them to be protected from every evil that exists.  Most of all I want them to know Jesus on a personal level and grow in his Word.  Michael, Spencer, Blake and Ella....I love you guys, more than you'll ever know!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of your for starting your own blog. All of your comments about the kids nearly made me cry! So sweet. I hope you will update often so I can read what's going on in the Bennett household.

    Oh, and I totally renamed my blog to "So I don't forget..." too. It was just "bethany and brad" - LAME. So you were inspired by me to start your blog and I was inspired by your blog name to change mine. Hope you don't mind!

    Love you.
